Wildlife Series Nairobi’s Wildlife and The Run!!: Chapter 5

These stories are written in a format that allows you to edit the story and the characters to your liking. For example, the name of the main character in this story “Arya” can be changed to [Your Child’s Name].


  • Arya – is a young, curious and brave photographer who has been fascinated by the animals and their lives forever. She has recently got a budget to take some pictures for National Geographic and she is visiting the African jungles for the first time.


*This chapter begins immediately after Arya’s escape from last chapter. Be sure to complete that scene first before continuing the storyline*


Arya continues to drive and get away from the panther but as they continue driving they see something.


I’m so glad you’re okay Charlie!!



I don’t think we’re in the clear just yet… LOOK! [points to the dark grey sky in the distance]



Whoa those are some mean looking clouds but they’re so far away, we’re good.


Arya and Tyler continue to drive slowly as they are finally taking a break from the running. They believe they are safe until…


Tyler, those clouds are moving very fast towards us. There is lightning and the wind is picking up. Are we still ok? [nervous]


The wind picks up aggressively and they start to feel rain. The trees in the distance are getting swung around. One tree gets torn out of the ground. They see a rain/wind wave that is headed right for them.



Nope! We are not okay! That is the start of a hurricane! Get us out of here.



Where do we go?!


We can go to my hide out, it should be far away enough from the storm


Arya hits the gas pedal and starts their wet and windy journey towards Tyler’s hide out. She follows his directions at a fast speed so they can get out of danger quickly. The wind gets even more aggressive and the rain gets harder. Trees and branches start slapping at Arya’s car.



Are you sure your place will be out of danger?



I hope so! I have worked so hard to make that place homey.

They drive a little bit further and they see the roof of the shack that Tyler lived in flying in the air. It nearly hit them in the car and lands right beside them.



Nooooo! Not my home!

The wind and rain get so aggressive they feel the car sliding a few feet every time there is a big gust. The road is muddy and it is very hard to see. The feeling of the car sliding and moving from the wind scares Arya. They must get out of there.


Screw it! I’m going back to the hotel!


Arya accelerates and disregards any more pushing and discomfort from the storm. She knows she has to get out of this intense storm and the only safe place she knows is back at the hotel. Arya is speeding through the jungle, passing by ponds, zooming by herds of animals running, and flying over hills. This storm could easily pick up their car and throw it.


I am not letting this storm take us or my car away. Plus, we also have to avoid the flooding that will come from this!


Arya can now see the town and the tall hotel that she is staying at. She looks in her rear-view mirror and sees the water level rising and the flood starting. She is driving as fast as she can go. Will she make it to the hotel?

They get in town but the water level rises to their head and can’t see where to go…


Help!! Help!!